Canada is the second largest country in the world, located in the northernmost part of North America, consisting of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada’s three largest cities are Toronto (Ontario), Montreal (Quebec) and Vancouver (British Columbia). 

English and French are officially bilingual.
Canada is one of the most ethnically and multiculturally diverse countries in the world, with an approximate population of 37 million inhabitants. Asian Canadians make up nearly 17 per cent of the population, mainly concentrated in southern Ontario, Greater Vancouver, Calgary, and several other major cities.

Canada’s economy is one of the leading in the world, based largely on abundant natural resources, a highly developed trading system, government transparency, civil liberties, quality of living, and economic freedom. In addition, Canada and the United States have a close bilateral relationship thanks to their closely interconnected economies.

Hệ thống giáo dục Canada được xếp thứ hạng cao với 53% dân số Canada tốt nghiệp cao đẳng/đại học.

In 2018, Canada was rated as the second country in the world for Quality of Life, only after Switzerland.



The Canadian government is opening its doors to attract 300,000 people a year, including international students and migrants, on relatively easy terms, while other countries are scaling back their immigration policies.

Canada is highly educated: 91% of the Canadian population graduated from high school at least. It is the world leader in the proportion of adult population with tertiary education (bachelor’s degree or higher) with about 61% of the population between the ages of 25 and 34 having a tertiary education.

Canada is the world’s safest country – ranking 7th out of 162 countries in the ranking for safety.
Vietnam is one of the countries with a successful visa issuance rate in 2018 at 80%.
While studying abroad, international students can work 20 hours / week. During holidays and half-term breaks, 40 hours a week is allowed. The accompanying spouse can apply for an open work permit and work full-time in Canada.

Contact us to learn more about how to study or settle in Canada!

World Immigration Portal:

Office address:
  • Vietnam: 6.04, 58 Dong Khoi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC HCM
  • Canada: 6565 Victoria Drive, Vancouver BC V5P 3X9, Canada


  • VN: +84 28 3521 0798
  • CA: +1 (778) 682-2664

Email: info@worldportal.ca